On My Way
Axwell /\ Ingrosso
Dust off and try again
Straight out of lions' den
Strong as a thousand men
That's what I've been told
Since I was six years old
Duck down and count to ten
I'm gonna hit the Lotto
I'm gonna place my bet on every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
And if I hit rock bottom
I'm gonna smile and dance with every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
On my way!
Go throw the key away
No matter what they say
All for a better day
You will always be the same
That's what I've been told
Since I was six years old
Duck down and count to ten
I'm gonna hit the Lotto
I'm gonna place my bet on every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
And If I hit rock bottom
I'm gonna smile and dance with every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
On my way!
Dust off and try again
Straight out of lions' den
Strong as a thousand men
That's what I've been told
Since I was six years old
Duck down and count to ten
I'm gonna hit the Lotto
I'm gonna place my bet on every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
And if I hit rock bottom
I'm gonna smile and dance with every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
On my way!
Go throw the key away
No matter what they say
All for a better day
You will always be the same
That's what I've been told
Since I was six years old
Duck down and count to ten
I'm gonna hit the Lotto
I'm gonna place my bet on every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
And If I hit rock bottom
I'm gonna smile and dance with every step I take
Go tell everyone under the sun
I'm on my way
On my way!
English-Spanish Dictionary
© bab.la
Letra en inglés de On My Way de Axwell /\ Ingrosso
Las palabras de la canción son interactivas, eso quiere decir que se puede pulsar sobre las palabras que están en color negro para obtener una caja de herramientas gratuitas de busqueda del significado de la palabra. Las palabras que están en color verde ya llevan el significado y se puede ver pasando el ratón por encima. De esta forma se puede entender más fácil la letra de la canción.